Japanese Iris Convention 2011

Society for Japanese Iris Convention arriving at the host gardens in Portland, Oregon, June 24 and 25, 2011 found that the bloom had been delayed by a cold spring. Mt Pleasant Iris Farm keeping weather records for several decades stated that this was the latest bloom season experienced. Notice the earlier Tall Bearded iris in the background are still in bloom.

Sisters Pat and Flora find some bloom

The Tall Bearded iris at Mt Pleasant Iris Farm, Washougal, Washington were in peak bloom one full month later than usual.

Tall Bearded in full bloom Mt Pleasant Iris Farm

Wildwood Gardens in Molalla, Oregon found themselves also having very little bloom on the Japanese Iris.

Wildwood Gardens

Being granted a slightly warmer setting, the third and last host garden Aitken’s Salmon Creek Gardens, Vancouver Washington offered more bloom to enjoy.

Aitken’s being warmer had a little more bloom to enjoy

Spuria iris another late-season iris at Aitken’s Salmon Creek Gardens were showing good bloom.

Late blooming Spuria iris were in full bloom

Even when the Japanese Iris and the new hybrid Pseudatas were not in full bloom we could still evaluate the plants for growth and vigor.

L to R Lorena Reid, Carol Warner, Chad Harris Inspecting Pseudata Seedlings at Mt Pleasant Iris Farm

The many faces of a convention having fun, it is all about meeting old friends, making new, and enjoying the gardens.

Carla Lankow
George Lankow
Gary White
Ted Halveka
Lee Walker one of our hybridizers
Jim and Jill Copeland, Jill works with Iris ensata and the new Psuedata

After touring the gardens the Awards Dinner is always a fun time, our hosts from the three gardens.

Tracy and Will Plotner of Wildwood Gardens
Terry and Barbara Aitken of Aitken’s Salmon Creek Iris Gardens
Chad Harris, Dale Grams of Mt Pleasant Iris Farm with friend Christina Brittain

The special people that sent in their plants for all to see and evaluate.

L to R Contributing Hybridizers to the 2011 JI Convention, Lee Walker, Don Delmez, Terry Aitken, Jill Copeland, Sharron Whitney, Stephen Smith, Dennis Hager, Chad Harris, Carol Warner

The Payne Award with past listed winners from 1992 and prior was present for all to admire.

Don Delmez and Jim Copland checking out the Payne Award


Don Delmez receiving the Payne Medal from L. President Dennis Hager with namesake ‘Sue Jo’ Delmez

A days end Sue Jo enjoying the gardens at Mt Pleasant Iris Farm

All are welcome to these events, with gardens to explore, new plants to find, and new garden friends to meet. Won’t you join us?