The Review, a Japanese Iris Newsletter
The Review is The Society for Japanese Irises bi-yearly publication that one receives as a member. Currently, the Club is in the process of having all past Reviews copied to digital to be uploaded here for your reading and research. If you enjoy these and would like to receive the new glossy color printed Review please join us at
(Note the below articles Iris Kaempferi and Japanese Iris are used interchangeably as the correct usage name of Iris ensata was not recognized until later, see 1968 Oct.-Vol5-N2)
- Japanese Iris-Swearengen
- First Japanese Iris Show-Hazzard
- Classification of Japanese Irises-Hirao
- Tetraploids-Fay
- Growing and Showing-Hazzard
- The new Look-Westmeyer
- Hybridizing-Payne
- Storing Pollen-Swearengen
- Preparation of the Iris Beds-Swearengen
- Tetraploid-Steiger
- Growing in Iowa-Foley
- Judging-Payne
- Japanese Iris Around the World-Hirao
- A Page Out of History-Swearengen
- Pot Culture-Hirao
- Japanese Iris Show-Hazzard
- Gardens in Terre Haute-Crist
- Soil Acidity-Swearengen
- Experiences in Breeding-Hazzard
- Wildflower-Warburton
- Across the Years-Swearengen
- Classification-Westmeyer
- Photographing Japanese Irises-Payne
- Japanese Iris in California-Maddocks
- You Too Can Put on a Show-Westmeyer
- Breeding Diagrams-Payne
- How to Succeed with Japanese Irises-Swearengen
- Japanese Iris in West Virginia-Aultz
- ‘Numazu’-Hazzard
- Culture of Japanese Iris in Japan-Ito
- Show at Terre Haute-Hayes Jr.
- Payne Garden-Warburton
- Swearengen Garden-Warburton
- Ouweneel Garden-Hazzard
- Isle Garden-Hazzard
- Breeding Diagrams-Payne
- Pot Culture-Craig
- Robin Gleanings
- Excerpts From My Diary (Japan Visit) -Payne
- Japanese Iris “Blight”
- Japanese Iris in Kyoto-Horinaka
- Studies of the Genus Iris in Japan-Tomino
- Time Table of Japanese Iris in Japan
- Japanese Iris in South California-Carrington
- They Bloom in the Summer-Day
- Beginners Luck with Japanese Iris-Rich
- Pot Culture-Isle
- Diseases and Pests
- The Payne Award-Swearengen
- Kaempferi vs Ensata vs Laevigata
- Japanese Iris in Milwaukee-Protzman
- Higo Type Japanese Iris and the Standards by which they are Judged in Japan-Craig
- Other Comments on Japanese Irises-Craig
- Kaempferi vs Ensata vs Laevigata Cont’d
- The Significance of Japanese Names for Iris-Reed
- 1969 AIS Convention-Gunther
- Japanese Iris Notes-Gunther
- Kaemferi vs Ensata vs Laevigata Cont’d
- Growing Japanese Iris in the Deep South-Hamilton
- Dr. George M. Reed
- Swan Lake Iris Garden
- Japan 1969-Davidson
- Lime and Drought Resistant Tetraploid Iris-Steiger
- Two Tourist’s Observations on Japanese Iris in Japan
- 1970 AIS Convention
- First Auction for Apogon Irises-Warburton
- Creating New Japanese Iris Varieties
- To Cross or To Hybridize
- In Hybridizing be Bold-Spence
- Bill Gunther Report (Branching and Sequential Bloom)
- Arlie Payne 1881-1971
- Effort to Introduce Tetraploidy in Japanese Iris-McEwen
- The Japanese Iris in Australia Today, Part 1-Raabe, Part 2-Sutton
- Iris kaempferi X Iris pseudacorus
- The 1971 AIS Convention
- The Japanese Iris Book-Hirao, Kuribayashi
- Tender Loving Culture of Japanese Iris
- Iris kaempferi vs Iris laevigata
- Enzymes as Germination Aids
- Hybridizing Japanese Iris-Hazzard
- Crossing Iris kaempferi and Iris pseudacorus-Hirao
- Visit Japanese Iris Gardens-Listed Open Gardens
- Annual Meeting-Westmeyer
- The 1972 Apogon Auction-Westmeyer
- Nematodes in Japanese Iris-Hager
- The Japanese Iris Book Review-Gunther
- Intensive Care Section-Ouweneel
- Meet Your Officers
- How Would You Record a Good Seedling-Field Note Outline from Payne
- 1972 Rebloom Report
- Nematodes-Reprint from A.H.S.
- 1972 Tetraploidy Report-McEwen
- Factors Influencing Germination of Japanese Iris Seed-McEwen
- Japanese Iris with Five-Day Blooms-Ackerman
- How Effective are Biological Controls-Carleton
- Efforts To Introduce Tetraploidy Into Japanese Iris-McEwen
- A Funny Thing Happened When The Gophers Came-Cleaves
- Japanese Iris in Japan-Eberhardt
- Iris Photography-Eberhardt
- Landscape Planting of Japanese Iris-Payne
- Iris Kaempferi vs Iris ensata-cont.
- Regional Growing Reports
- Questionnaire Summary-Hambree
- Garden Companions with Japanese Iris-Davidson
- Dr. Currier McEwen Report Tetraploid-McEwen
- A Japanese Iris Garden in Switzerland-Sir Smithers
- Pot Culture of Japanese Irises-Hirao
- Tender Loving Culture of Japanese Irises
- Yellow Japanese Iris?
- Regional Reports
- Iris pseudacorus x Irie kaempferi Hybrids
- The Magnificent Higo Iris-Kokich (Auckland, NZ)
- Photographing Flowers in Color-Clark
- Tetraploidy (Updated Report)-McEwen
- Hooked on Japanese Iris-Rawdon
- Why and How Japanese Iris Show-Hazzard
- Lesson ’76 (Growing at the Pond vs Field)-Ouweneel
- Iris Kaempferi in Japan
- Progress Report Tetraploidy 1977-McEwen
- Lesson ’77 (species cross hybrids)-Ouweneel
- Kalamazoo Japanese Iris Show-Miller
- Annual Meeting of the SJI at AIS Convention Memphis-Burton
- Japanese Iris Show Summerville S.C.
- Rebloom Report-McEwen
- Regional Reports
- Seiwa-en, Missouri Botanical Garden-Eisley
- What We Have to Judge-Abell
- News from British Iris Society-Hewitt
- Report from Huntsville, AL-Ross
- Wages of Neglect-Abell
- Progress of Tetraploidy-McEwen
- Rebloom? Continuing Bloom?-McEwen
- Observations of Fertilizers in the Culture of Japanese Iris Seedlings-Paolucci
- Success in Forcing Flowers, Bowden
- JI Blues (Film And Blue Flowers)
- Performance of Japanese Iris in Soils of Different PH-McEwen
- Nematode Control
- A Note Regarding Rebloom-McEwen
- Control of Couch Grass-Bowden
- Japanese Iris in the Low Country (S.C.)-Burton
- Correspondence Letters 1961-1970-Hirao and Payne
- Denver Botanical Garden-Japanese Iris Planting-Kuesel
- South Carolina-The Japanese Iris State?
- South Carolina Tour, Show, and Test Garden-Weber
- Update on Rebloom-McEwen
- Obituary Lorenzo Paolucci-McEwen
- Extending the Bloom Season and Prolonging Flower Longevity-Ackerman, Williams
- Bee Warburton Writes (Natural Mutations)
- Seed Size of Miniature Japanese Iris-McEwen
- Growing Japanese Iris in Colorado-Clark
- Show Reports
- Symbolism in Ikebana-Paquet
- Show Reports
- Staging A Flower Show-Paquet
- Dr. McEwen Writes (Damage to leaf and roots)
- Show Reports
- Arthur Hazzard-Life Story
- Convention and Show Reports
- JI Rebloomers-Ouweneel
- Breeding Japanese Irises At The Introduction Station Glenn Dale, MD-Ackerman
- Observations Of A “Suicidal Trait” (Or Bienninlism) In Breeding Japanese Iris-Ackerman
- Summerville 5th Annual JI Show-Burton
- Harrisburg Third Beardless Iris Show-Straw
- Grimsley Japanese Iris Test Garden Report-Burton
- To Kalamazoo And Back-Vincent, and Burton
- The Kalamazoo 1983 JI Show-Bauer
- Beware The Walking Iris-Ouweneel
- Yellow Japanese Iris Foliage-Ouweneel
- A Comprehensive Survey of The Japanese Iris-Bowden
- The Japanese Iris in Japan-Hirao
- Summerville Iris Society-Burton
- Summerville Iris Society-Burton
- JI Test Garden and Registration-Burton
- The Payne Award-Burton
- JI Popularity Poll-Burton
- Founding of The Society For Japanese Irises-Westmeyer
- Breeding for Dwarfness in Japanese Iris-Ackerman
- In Memoriam-Thorton Abell, Ford Grant
- Kalamazoo Show-Stout
- 1984 Iris Tour To Japan-Denny
- Growing Japanese Iris in New Mexico-Danielson
- In New England We Love Irises-Warburton
- Marhigo Iris-Rodgers
- Galesburg Garden Culture-Coble
- A Question of Disease in Japanese Irises-McEwen
- Comprehensive Index of The Review 1-21-Ouweneel
- Second Iris Tour of Japan-Rockwell
- Kalamazoo Weekender-Stahly
- A Winter Ikebana Using Iris-Wong
- Japanese Beetle & Rose Chafer Problems-Welsh
- Pink Iris Classification in Japan-Shin, Welsh
- Germination of Japanese and Siberian Iris Seed-Bauer
- SJI Slide Collection Coble
- The Less Than Perfect Garden Culture-Delmez
- Inheritance of White Flower Color in Japanese Iris-Ackerman, Bentz
- Some Miscellaneous JI Observations-McEwen
- Iris ensata In or Out of Water-Avery
- Basic Culture for Japanese Iris-Welsh
- Display Garden Program-McEwen
- Show Reports
- The Japanese Iris Show-Welsh
- Landscaping With Japanese Iris-Burton
- Pink Flower Color in Japanese Iris-Ackerman, Bentz
- A Visit to Adolph’s Garden-Miller
- The Indiana Tour to Adolph Vogt’s Garden-Cronin
- Iris ensata and Water-The Editor
- Our Preparation of Japanese Iris Beds-Miller
- Seed Size and Plant Size-McEwen
- When to Divide Japanese Iris-July? Sept.?-Miller
- Breeding New Types of Japanese Iris-Ackerman
- 1986 Seed Germination-Bauer, Coble
- Excerpts From The Japanese Iris Robin
- Summer Wind Ikebana-Wong
- Growing Japanese Iris in Southern California-Gunther
- A Visit From Mr. Mototeru Kamo-McEwen
- Excellent Tetraploid Japanese Iris at Dr. McEwen’s Breeding Farm-Kamo
- Review of 1987 Summerville Convention Gardens-Warner, Figge, and Maker
- A Time to Transplant-Ensata Gardens
- Japanese Iris in Florida-Padgett
- Breeding for Dwarfness in Japanese Iris-Ackerman
- Thrips and Spider mites-Coble
- Obituary William Ouweneel 1897-1987
- Invitation to the Gardens of the 1988 Japanese Iris Convention
- Japanese Iris Shows listed 1988
- Japanese Iris Display Gardens-Barr
- Comments on Judging Japanese Irises-Welsh
- More Notes on Planting Times-Vogt
- Observations on Japanese Iris in the Summer-Coble
- Obituary Dr. Shuichi Hirao-Ackerman
- Obituary Elanor Westmeyer
- 1988 awards and Popularity Poll
- Popularity Poll-Burton
- Show Reports
- A Look Back on 25 Years-Welsh
- 1988 SJI Convention Reports Show and Gardens-White, Mahan, Pope, Stahly, and Aitken
- Seaweed and Pine Mulch-McEwen
- Battling Garden Varments-Ackerman
- Japanese Iris in Florida-Padgett
- Development of the Japanese Iris, Edo, Ise, Higo, and Culture, Hirao
- 1989 Convention Gardens
- Scheduled Japanese Iris Shows
- How to Have A Fish Fry-Copeland
- Progress in Breeding Japanese Iris-Yabuya
- Japanese Iris Culture in Artificial Bogs-Bauer
- Growing Japanese Iris Under Artificial Bog Conditions-Ackerman
- Japanese Iris Culture in Artificial Bogs-Delmez
- Comprehensive Index Vol. 1 – Vol. 25-Abell
- The International Garden and Greenery Exposition, Osaka, Japan
- Popularity Poll
- Awards List
- Excerpt From: Irises In The Little Garden, Boston 1927, Mahan
- 1989 JI Convention Show and Garden Reports-Coble, Honkanen, Miller, Stahly, and Welsh
- Bill Ackerman’s Garden-Coble
- My First Japanese Iris Convention-Brooking
- Falls and Petals-McEwen
- 3P and 6P, Now 3F and 6F ?-Coble
- Show Reports
- Japanese Iris Freeze to Death-Pope
- You Can Count On This-Harris
- Japanese Iris Display Gardens-Barr
- Disasters-Innerst
- The Mystery Of Pink Mystery-McEwen
- Obituary Lois “Jonnye” Rich-Hager
- Show Reports
- Awards List
- Popularity Poll-Burton
- Registration Of Japanese Iris-Mahan
- 1990 JI Convention Show and Garden Reports, Portland, Maine-Ferris, Nicholls, Reid, Randall, Morgan, Burton, Warner, and Figge
- Studies On The Breeding Of Japanese Garden Iris, Part 1-Yabuya
- Discussion Of Dr. Yabuya’s Research-Ackerman
- A Plant Breeder’s Dilemma-Ackerman
- Experiences Of A Plantsman-Summers
- Modern Horticulture And How To Avoid Disaster-Woolsey
- Errata For Studies On The Breeding Of Japanese Garden Iris, Part 1
- Studies On The Breeding Of Japanese Garden Iris, Part 2-Yabuya
- Discussion Of Dr. Yabuya’s Research-Ackerman
- My Pink Ensata-McEwen
- Hazzard Memorial Garden Dedication
- Pros And Cons Of Tetraploidy In Japanese And Siberian Irises-McEwen
- Collected Notes-Coble
- Color Variations-Coble
- More Reminiscences From Alex J. Summers
- 1991 Popularity Poll
- Studies On The Breeding Of Japanese Garden Iris, Part 3-Yabuya
- 1991 Portland Oregon Convention Reports-Erickson, Copeland, Smith, Warner, Pope, and Brookins
- 1991 Show Reports
- When Is A Payne A Pain?-Figge
- Japanese Iris Culture In Japan-McEwen
- Program For Soil Improvement At Seaways Garden-McEwen
- Honeysong Notes On Japanese Iris-Summers
- Potted Japanese Iris-Pope
- The Iris From The Flowers And Gardens Of Japan-Mahan
- Obituary Dr. Koji Tomino
- Vote–Maybe Don’t Vote-Coble
- Notes On Our Trip To Japan-McEwen
- Report On Registration Project-Mahan
- A Note From Joe Griner
- Honeysong Farm Notes On Japanese Iris-Summers
- Tramps Or Treasures?-Cook
- Summery Of Japanese Iris Poll 1985 to 1991-Cook
- Obituary Leland Welsh
- Obituary Adolph Vogt
- An Annual Fertilizing Program For Gardeners-Skinner
- McEwen Book Wins Horticultural Award
- Japanese Iris Display Garden Program-Barr
- A World Premiere ‘Versata’ A New Iris
- 1992 Popularity Poll Results
- 1992 Kalamazoo Convention Reports-Maltman, Kiyomoto, Hornstein, Harris, Boswell, Warner, Pope, and Miller
- A Glimpse Into The Future-Aitken
- 1992 Show Reports
- 1993 Convention Update Description of Gardens-Smoot
- Your pronunciation Of Japanese Names Is Excellent-Mahan
- Donau X Tet Japanese-Aitken
- Chinese Japanese Iris In Kansas City-Waddick
- Caretaker Program-Randall
- Display Gardens-Randall
- Japanese Iris Registration Project-Mahan
- Honeysong Farm Notes-Summers
- Traveling With Your Japanese Iris-Hornstein
- Registering an Ensata for the First Time? Some Helpful Hints-White
- 1993 Japanese Iris Awards
- Growing JI’s In North Carolina-Nix
- 1993 Popularity Poll
- Problems In Dealing With Interspecies Crosses-Ackerman
- 1993 Convention Reports Virginia Beach- Paquest, Ackerman, Jewell, O’Melay, Pope, Skinner, Cole, Honkanen, Reid, and Harris
- 1993 Show Reports
- Preview Of Summerville S.C. Convention and Gardens
- Japanese Irises In The Sarah Duke Gardens, North Carolina-Jones
- Carolina Mountains Iris Society Expands Public Plantings-Hoover
- Display Gardens-Randall
- 1993 Garden Season In Review-White
- Report On Japanese Iris Registration Project-Mahan
- 1994 Scheduled JI Shows
- Look-Alike Cultivars-Coble
- 1994 Awards
- W. A. Payne Medal-Coble
- Obituary Jean Trevithick-Whittaker
- Notes Regarding Hybridizing Methods-McEwen
- 1994 Conventions Reports, Summerville, S. C.-Pope, Hazelton, Grundies, Chicvara, Shinn, Clark, and Mahan
- Honorary Life Membership Award-Mahan
- 1994 Popularity Poll-Burton
- 1994 Show Reports
- 1995 SJI Convention Preview Baltimore, MD-Smoot
- 1995 SJI Convention Preview Towson, Maryland-Warner
- SJI Policy On Registrations And Introductions-Mahan
- Check It Out-Coble
- More On X Versata And Backcrosses-Huber
- Display Gardens-Randall
- Updates Of Japanese Iris Registration Project-Mahan
- School Of Hard Knocks-Randall
- Soaking Rhizomes Before Planting-Coble
- 1995 Scheduled JI Shows
- 1995 Japanese Iris Awards
- 1996 SJI Convention Preview St Louis, Missouri-Smith
- American Horticultural Society Announces Annual Award Winners
- 1995 SJI Convention Reports Towson, Maryland-Probst, Griner, Miller, Harris, Savoie, Clark, Weixlmann, Cook, and Mahan
- Report From New Zealand-Johns
- 1995 Popularity Poll-Guest
- 1995 Show Reports
- 1996 SJI Convention Preview St Louis, Missouri
- Obituary Bernard W. McLaughlin-White
- Growing Japanese Irises In South Carolina-Lineberger
- JI Activity In The Northwest-Aitken
- SJI Policy On Registrations And Introductions-Mahan
- Japanese Iris Necrotic Ring Disease-Shimizu
- Propagating Japanese Iris-Coble
- SJI Display Gardens (83 listed)-Randall
- 1996 Japanese Iris Awards-Wilhoit
- Award for Dr. Tsutomus Yabuya-Mahan
- 1996 SJI Convention Reports St Louis, Missouri-Wagner, Wilhoit, Delmez, Verwhilst, Yunger, Poole, Thruman, and O’Melay
- My ’96 Ji Season-Burton
- 1996 Popularity Poll-Guest
- Problems in Hybridizing Tetraploid Japanese Irises-Harris
- 1996 Show Reports
- ‘Rose Adagio’ A Japanese American Hybrid-Coble
- A Lesson For All Gardeners-Mahan
- Pursuing Improvements In Japanese Iriss-Copeland
- A Unique Hybrid ‘Pixie Won’-Coble
- Display Gardens (98 listed)-Randall
- Peacock Dance-Warner
- Japanese Irises, Water Lovers???-Randall
- 3Fall-6Fall Genetics-Coble
- Another First?-Coble
- 1997 Shows and Events
- 1997 Japanese Iris Awards
- Japanese Irises InUnderhill, Vermont-Schmieder
- 1997 Japanese Iris Popularity Poll-Guest
- My “Dish Pan” Garden-Burton
- International Japanese Iris Symposium Hamilton, Ontario-Guest
- A Garden Shared-Hoover
- SummervilleIris Societies 20th Anniversary-Morrison
- 1997 Show Reports
- Ton Ton Bana-Shimizu
- Obituary Rich Randall-Lowe
- Japanese Iris Will Shine In ’99-Harris
- Salute To SIS Founder, Ginny Burton-Morrison
- How To Tame A Swamp With Japanese Irises-Muller
- JI’s Rebloom In England-Mahan
- A Lucky Recovery-Innerst
- Raising Beardless Irises In Pots-Hornstein and Ackerman
- Japanese Iris Display Gardens (112 count)
- 1998 Shows And Events
- Japanese Iris Awards
- Jill Copeland Honored by SJI-Mahan
- Thinking About Youth-Morris
- Summerville Iris Society Weekend-Morrison
- 1998 Show Reports
- A Trex To Lee Walker’s Garden Roseburg, Oregon-Aitken
- 1998 Japanese Iris Popularity Poll-Guest
- Victoria, British Columbia 1997 Fall and Winter Bloom-Flint
- Reblooming Japanese Irises Are On The Way-Aitken
- More News On Reblooming-Hornstein and White
- Nagi Type Of Japanese Iris-Shimizu
- Cover Photos Used By Today’s Hybridizers-Coble
- Japanese Iris Pot Culture And Bonsai-Mahan
- Japanese Irises Display Garden List (112)
- Japanese Irises A Brief History-Mahan
- 1999 Shows And Events
- Japanese Iris Awards
- 1999 Convention Reports Portland, OR-Hornstein, Warner, Paquet, Probst, and Wheeler
- Dr. Currier McEwen-Convention Guest Speaker
- Convention Awards
- Distinguished Service Honors-Mahan
- A Pilgrimage To See The “Wunderkind” Of Japanese Hybridizing-Hornstein
- Japanese Iris Reports Fredericksburg, Virginia-Lipiec
- 1999 Show Reports
- 1999 Popularity Poll-Guest
- Japanese Irises In The Pond-Harris
- Flying Seeds-Shimizu
- The Development Of Pseudata-Shimizu
- Japanese Iris Display Gardens List
- 2000 AIS Japanese Iris Awards
- Hearing From The Hybridizers-Copeland, McEwen, Harris, Shimizu, Aitken, Walker, Bauer, Coble, Reid, Hublau, Delmez, and White
- 2000 Show Reports
- 2000 SJI Popularity Poll And Comments
- The Flourishing Flora Exhibit-Guest
- Obituary Evelyn O. White
- Inducing Tetraploidy: Time For New Techniques?-Hager
- Bellender Blue Want To Be Hybridizes’ Luck-Bauer, and Coble
- Iris Myths And Fallacies-Mahan
- The Rettig/Wirz Japanese Iris Award-Gerbracht
- 2001 AIS Japanese Iris Awards
- A Biography Of Picotee Princess (Reid 92)-Reid
- Getting Acquainted With SJI Members-Reid
- How to Become A Hybridizer-Coble
- Japanese Iris Yellow Dwarf Disease-Shimizu
- Japanese Iris Display Gardens List 2002
- The Three Scholars Of Dashima And The Japanese Iris-Mahan
- Hearing From The Hybridizers-Aitken
- A Collated Survey Of Japanese Iris Culture Across The U.S.
- A Place For Open Pollination?-Hager
- Japanese Iris In Mississippi-Not Possible-Yes It Is-Emerson
- 2002 Show Reports-Japanese Iris
- American Iris Society Awards 2002
- Meet The Hybridizers Don Delmes-Rust
- Garden Profiles-Earthheart Gardens-Whitney
- Japanese Iris Culture-Aitken
- Matters For Discussion-Growing Japanese Irises In The SameSoil-White, Boehm, and Warner
- On Voles-Holmes
- Robin Found-Harris, and Iler
- Hearing From The Hybridizers-Cool, Whitney, Harris, Aitken, and Reid
- Display Garden Spotlight
- This ‘N That Letters To The Editor-Lockman, Shimizu, Schooly, and Delmez
- Visit Your Local Gardens-Morris
- Culture Of Japanese Iris In The Same Space-Flint
- SJI Popularity Poll 2002
- Meet The Hybridizers Ed Matheny III
- Hensler’s Putative Japanese X Siberian Iris Hybrids-Fulton, Whitney, McEwen
- Japanese – Siberian Hybrids – Past The F1’s-Hensler
- Matters For Discussion Attempted Siberian-Japanese Iris Cross-Hager
- Matters For Discussion-Copland
- Arrangement With Japanese Irises-Miller
- Payne Medal-Mahan
- W. A. Payne Medal-Coble
- AIS Japanese Iris Awards 2003
- SJI Popularity Poll
- Obituary Currier McEwen-White
- Notes From The Beardless & Borderless Convention 2003
- Chirps From The General Interest Japanese Iris Robin
- A Massachusetts Garden-Cook
- The Two Seasons Of Japanese Irises In Japan-Mahan
- Iris Trails At RHS Gardens Wisley-Russell
- Meeting The New Hybridizers-Aitken, Iler, Pack, Delmez, and Copeland
- 2003 Show Reports-Japanese Irises
- Japanese Iris Stamp-Mahan
- A Modest Proposal-Hager
- Enzymatic Reactions And Japanese Iris-Walker
- Pseudata Surprise-Warner
- Hanashobu Display In Japan-Shimizu
- Some Thoughts On The Display Garden Program-Cook
- Kitten Grows Into Lion King-Coble
- Meet The Hybridizers Darlyn Wilkenson
- 2004 AIS Awards Japanese Irises
- Flower Arranging (for youth) In Four Easy Steps-Morris
- SJI Popularity Poll 2004-Filardi
- Japanese Iris Culture ’04-Aitken
- Show Reports
- Hybridizing Basics-Sacks
- Hybridizers Robin (Notes On Tetrapoid Conversions)-Iler
- Chirps From The Hybridizer’s Robin-Copeland
- Delmez Display Garden
- Friendship Grows In A Garden-Claunch
- Ensata Extravaganza-Epperson
- Japanese Irises In St Petersburg-Makarova
- Project Deep Freeze-Whitney
- Payne Medal Winner
- Favorites At The 2005 SJI Convention
- 2005 Convention Report A Gem Of A Convention In The Diamond State
- Convention Comments-From Attendees
- Ikebana Exhibition-Japanese Irises In The Sogetsu Style-Button
- What Did We Learn From Poster Sessions
- From Seed To Bloom In 7 Months-Copland
- Display Garden Visit-Gormley
- Region 1 Award To JI-Markham
- Rebloom And Repeat Bloom Japanese Irises-Garden Reports and Lists
- SJI Popularity Poll 2005-Filardi
- SJI Convention 2005 Show Report
- Can Any Iris Be Crossbred With Any Other Kind Of Iris-Copeland
- Society For Japanese (Iris) Awards-Miller
- Japanese Irises In New Zealand-Copeland
- Chirps From The Hybridizer’s Robin-Copeland
- Forty-Two Years Growing Japanese Iris Remembering Conventions-Miller
- Visit To Mt Pleasant Iris Farm Washougal, WA Chad Harris, Dale Grams-Sautner
- Japanese Iris Awards
- Regional Reports
- Japanese Irises Questions And Answers From Our Readers
- Region 6 Spring Tour Gormley
- Epilog To Region 6 Spring Tour-Copeland
- Visiting Mike Iler-Hager
- Swan Lake Iris Garden Sumter, South Carolina
- SJI Popularity Poll For 2006-Filardi
- Geishoui-Mahan
- Digging And Dividing Japanese Irises-Hager
- Progress In Tetrapoid Japanese Iris-Copeland
- Seedlings At The Region 6 Spring Tour In Kalamazoo-Gormley
- Hiroshi Shimizu Awarded AIS Hybridizers Medal-Mahan
- Chirps From The Japanese Iris Hybridizers Robin-Copeland
- AIS Awards 2007 Japanese Irises
- Showcase The Kalamazoo Japanese Iris Display-Coble
- Show July 8, 2007, Shelburne Falls, MA-Wheeler
- Chirps From The Hybridizer’s Robin-Copeland
- From The Past Japanese Irises In Region 6-Hazzard
- SJI Website Questions And Answers
- SJI Popularity Poll For 2007
- Delmez Display Garden St Charles, Missouri-Gormley
- Preview Of Guest Irises For The 2008 Japanese Iris Convention-Copeland
- Chirps From The Japanese Iris Hybridizers Robin-Copeland
- SJI ConventionThrough The Years-Warner
- The Joys Of Attending SJI Conventions-Miller
- SJI Website Question and Response-Growing Japanese Iris From Seed
- Some Japanese Iris Recessives-Coble
- SJI Display Garden-Open Garden Day Earthheart Garden
- Report On The Russian Project-Cook, Whitney, and Copeland
- American Iris Society Japanese Iris 2008 Awards
- A Convention To Remember Kalamazoo 2008-Gormley
- The Copeland Garden-Warner
- American Iris Society Honors Robert Bauer and John Coble-Mahan
- John White ‘Dirigo Pink Milestone’ Wins 2007 Payne Medel-White
- The Munson Garden-Nolin
- ‘Nothing Less Than Perfection’ O’Meloy Garden-Wilson
- Ensata Gardens ‘A Field Of Dreams’-Guess
- SJI Popularity Poll For 2008-Barker
- Hands Across The Prairie From Kalmazoo To Dubuque-Gormley
- Hybridizer Goals-Hager, Wilkenson, Harris, Delmez, Aitken, Hablau, Copeland, Cook, and Walker
- Hooked On Irises-Bennett
- A Quest For A Yellow Japanese Iris-White
- Culture Corner (Thrips)-Coble, and Spence
- SJI Popularity Poll-Barker
- American Iris Society AIS Awards (JI) 2009
- American Iris Society The Warburton Medal
- International News Society For Japanese Irises Aids International Bulb Society
- The Herbert Medal-Lehmiller
- Kalamazoo JI Show June 7, 2009
- JI Robin-Homozygous and Heterozygous-Selling Unregistered Iris
- Of Stamens and Stamina (John White’s Oral History)
- Ensata Gardens And The SWMIS JI Show-Heilman
- Culture Corner-Forcing JI To Bloom Earlier-Hablau
- Culture Corner-Sucess In Forcing Flowers Of Two Japanese Iris Cultivars-Simcoe
- ‘Little Bow Pink’ Background-Delmez
- Clarence Mahen No. 46. ‘Bunjikai’
- Obituary John White 1916-2010
- I Hope Everyone Had A Nice Of A July 4th As I Did-Hoot
- Kalamazoo Country Club The Best Display Of Japanese Iris In The U.S.-Coble
- Culture Corner-Growing Iris Ensata-Harris
- Culture Corner-Raising Beardless Irises In Pots-Hornstein, and Ackerman
- Culture Corner-Japanese Iris Pot Culture And Bonsai-Mahan
- SJI Popularity Poll 2010
- American Iris Society Japanese Iris Awards 2010
- Kalamazoo JI Display 2010
- Chirps From The Japanese Hybridizer’s Robin-Copeland
- A Visit To The Westfall Garden-Lewonski
- First Beardless Show For The Show Me Iris Society-Rust
- Obituary Stirling Innerst
- Remembrance Stirling Innerst-Leader
- Mt Pleasant Iris Farm-Harris
- The Evolution Of Japanese Irises-Aitken
- Wildwood Gardens-Plotner
- Pseudatas As Pond Plants-Warner
- SJI Popularity Poll 2011
- 2011 SJI Convention Report-Harris
- Mt Pleasant Iris Farm-Spence
- Aitken’s Salmon Creek Garden-Baker
- Wildwood Gardens-Butler
- Kalamazoo JI Display 2011-Coble
- A Letter To The Hybridizers, Young And Old-Anonymous-Spence
- Thomas Hogg Jr His Times And Irises-Whitehead
- In Downtown Olympia-Unser
- Jewel Of Saint Louis Missouri Botanical Japanese Garden-Hughes
- The Delmez End Of The Season Iris Bash-Tankesley-Clarke
2012 SJI Review Fall-Not Published
- 2012 Payne Medal Winner ‘Coho’-Harris
- 2012 Japanese Iris AIS Award Winners
- 2012 Popularity Poll Results-Barker
- Japnese Iris Envy-Spence
- No Bee Pods Last Year-Coble
- A Reply To Anonymous-Coble
- The 2012 Season A Not So Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Garden-Coble
- Japanes Iris Exsteded Bloom in 2012-Aitken
- 2013 Payne Medal Winner ‘Bewitching Twilight’-Frasier
- 2013 Japanese Iris AIS Award Winners
- 2013 Popularity Poll Results
- Discover Victoria’s Secrets-Baker
- Obituary Anna Rettig-Guest
- Japanese Iris In Russia-Mironova
- Kalamazoo Japanese Iris Display 2013-Coble